Catholic core values:


God created man, and everyone is equal. Children know how to respect and appreciate others. Children can enthusiastically participate in community services and fulfill their responsibilities as citizens.


Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me a happy home. The children imitate Brother Jesus’ filial piety and love their parents. They also like to share the joy of learning with their parents.


Jesus taught us to love our neighbors, and young children learn that He cares, loves, and helps others.


Heavenly Father gives us wisdom, children can pursue and explore knowledge, actively learn and overcome difficulties, and enjoy the joy of learning.


Make good use of the talents God has given us, know how to appreciate ourselves, build self-confidence, and enjoy the joy of learning. Heavenly Father has created all things, and we must cherish resources and protect the environment. Thank God for giving me a healthy body, a balanced diet and regular exercise.

School Vision:

Cherish and carry forward the spirit of Christ’s love and service, imitate the Virgin’s love of the Lord and love, cherish the grace of nature, and cultivate children to establish a correct outlook on life.

School Mission:

Nurture children to learn the virtues of Our Lady of the Lord and beloved, actively face difficulties, and move towards a healthy and happy life.

School Motto:

love the Lord and love your neighbor

School Icon:

Mother Maria